I am anonymous.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Ever wonder why you got out of bed?
Yeah. Me too.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The things I say...

These are some of my personal quotes...all said within the past...meh...ten minutes...

"Joooooooshuuuuaaaaah..." (in a very high pitched voice, about 8 gazillion times...)

"of course not-although, i dont know what the word "hurt" means, or what pain feels like, so im prolly not th best person to ask that..." (my response to "do tattoos hurt?")

"...i miss my basement where the sun doesnt shine..."

The end.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

i like to pretend that i live the normal life of a 19 year old poor kid. so i live in a basement. and eat partially cooked dirty-water noodles. (you maycall the ramen/chinese/mr. noodles)